Is your furnace making unusual noises? If you notice that it is making grinding sounds or seems sluggish, dirt buildup may be to blame, especially if you haven’t had a professional furnace maintenance appointment in the last year. Our team can clean the inside of the unit, inspect it as a whole, and make sure that it is working as well as it possibly can.
During a furnace tune-up, we will thoroughly clean your furnace, getting down into the smallest gears so that it can work more efficiently for the remainder of the season. Call our team today to schedule furnace service in Petersburg, IN and in the meantime, keep reading to learn why a dirty furnace is problematic.
How Does a Furnace Get Dirty?
The inside of a furnace gets dirty because you do not have a high-quality filter or leave a dirty air filter in place for too long. Even with an excellent air filter in place, some dust and dirt will still get into your furnace. This buildup can happen slowly over months and even years before it impacts operation or indoor air quality.
What’s the Big Deal With Dirt?
It’s easy to think that tiny dirt particles aren’t that big of a deal for your furnace. After all, shouldn’t it take a lot more to impact operation? But when you add up all of these tiny particles of dust and other contaminants, they can greatly impact your furnace.
In fact, because the particles are so tiny, they are more harmful to your furnace. Teeny tiny pieces of dirt can get into the crevices of your HVAC system, where lubrication helps intricate components work together seamlessly. This dirt absorbs lubrication and turns it into a grimy buildup that greatly impacts effective heating. Your furnace will start to work harder to produce the same results.
Additionally, dirt buildup can develop on the burners of an electric furnace or around the pilot light of a gas furnace, blocking heat and preventing your furnace from operating as it was designed.
Tips to Keep Your Furnace Clean
Ideally, you should change the air filter inside the furnace every 1-2 months during winter when it is being used heavily. Although you cannot clean inside the furnace where the more intricate components are, you can invest in professional maintenance annually so that our team can address those finer details.
We will clean away grime and dirt and then relubricate gears and bearings so they can work at their best once again. Keeping your furnace clean is a great way to help it work more efficiently year after year. It also prevents the buildup from getting so significant that it is too difficult to remove.
Contact Benner Heating & Air for all your heating and cooling needs. We can help you with furnace services. It’s Better with Benner.