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Serving the Petersburg, IN and Tri-State Area

Serving the Petersburg, IN and Tri-State Area


How Often Does a Heat Pump Need Service?

If you have a standalone air conditioner or furnace, the system only needs a single annual maintenance appointment per year. But since the heat pump operates as both of these, it needs maintenance twice per year. You may be tempted to skip out on one of these annual service appointments, but you can keep reading to learn why it’s important to schedule both.

When you’re ready, you can give us a call to get on the calendar for your heat pump service ahead of the spring and summer seasons. It’s the best way to stay ahead of heat pump repair in Princeton, IN. Skipping out on service may mean that you are left calling us because of a breakdown instead – so don’t delay!

Scheduling Frequency

Having separate units means scheduling a service appointment for each one. In some cases, you may indeed schedule a single annual service appointment in which our team looks at both your air conditioner and heater at the same time. However, that is still technically two services for two separate units.

Since your heat pump operates as both an air conditioner and a heater, it requires a service appointment twice per year. Once is not enough because your heat pump is operating year-round without taking any breaks while an alternate HVAC system takes over. This high demand increases wear and tear as well as potential strain that your heat pump may take on.

Benefits of Consistent Care

When you schedule maintenance at regular intervals – ideally six months apart – you prioritize optimal heat pump operation. This will benefit your home and family in a variety of ways, including boosted energy efficiency, more effective heating and cooling, a reduced chance for unexpected repair needs, and an extended lifespan for your heat pump.

The average lifespan of a heat pump is between 10 and 15 years. These systems are highly energy efficient, especially when you invest in a high-efficiency model that boasts even better energy efficiency than a standard heat pump. 

When you maintain your heat pump to ensure its sustained efficiency, you can save a lot on your monthly energy costs. You’ll also save money by facing fewer repair needs over the unit’s life. Plus, you enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that your heat pump is always working at its best and ready for the next high-use season.

Risks of Skipping Professional Maintenance

When you skip out on professional maintenance, you risk having to call us anyway for a repair appointment. You may think that skipping out on maintenance saves you a little bit of money, especially if your heat pump is operating without any signs of issues. However, repair needs can happen quickly and be very serious. 

By the time you realize something is wrong, instead of spending less on a maintenance appointment, you may find yourself spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars to replace entire components inside your heat pump due to operation issues. 

When this happens, it also shortens the expected lifespan of your heat pump so that it won’t last as long as it otherwise might. Instead of getting 15 years out of your heat pump, you may only get 10 years – maybe less – leaving you with five fewer years of service from your initial investment.

Contact Benner Heating & Air for all your heating and cooling needs. We can help you with heat pump service and any other HVAC needs. It’s Better with Benner.

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